Chekhov acting technique
speech therapy
speech formation
art in speech & drama
We are living in a world where the individual must learn to command the raw materials of expression.
He must not be dependent all the time on the ready-made, the finished product.
It's the transferring, the changing of the raw into what is the expression of your own self – the whole joy and satisfaction and frustration of life is built into this.
Yehudi Menuhin (1916-1999)
art in speech & drama
Anna Speer
Many different places in my life have brought me together with many individuals, people from various professional backgrounds and teachers from different fields.
I was allowed to walk straight and direct as well as bumpy and thorny paths.
Therefore, I also know about ruptures in life and let the experience of new beginnings and processuality flow into my artistic and therapeutic work.
For me, the focus is always on the person who calls on me and on his/her development.
I approach him/ her with care and mindfulness.
Diverse techniques, trainings and experiences provide the background for flexible and individualized work and support me in my concern to address each individual on a deep human level.
Speech Formation, Diploma “The London School of Speech Formation“
Artistic Speech Therapy (BVAKT, Diploma)
Chekhov Acting Technique, Diploma
Teaching the Chekhov acting Technique Diploma
Trainer: Stress Prevention, (BVAKT)
Teacher, Secondary school, level I and II
All offers include artistic, therapeutic and pedagogical approaches in German and English.
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Wortreich Anna Speer
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Telephone: 0049-30-284 288 05
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Anna Speer
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